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Taylor Lake Homeowners’ Association
Summer Fall Winter 2002 Newsletter


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Professional Lake Testing Completed in 2002

Dr. Wally Fusilier, Consulting Limnologist, of Water Quality Investigators performed water quality analysis and a lake evaluation during the spring and summer of 2002.

Every year the lake participates in the MLSA’s self-help lake monitoring program that uses Secchi disk visibility and tests surface water samples for nutrients.  Every fourth or fifth year more extensive testing is performed.  Dr. Fusilier performed this testing on our lake several times in the past.  The testing included bottom sediment examination; deep-water sample analyses; and weed bed mapping.

Dr. Fusilier finished his report in December 2002.  The report will be reviewed at the next Board of Trustees meeting in February, and at the association’s 2003 annual general meeting.  A summary and the full report are on the Taylor Lake web site.

2002 Annual General Meeting

The meeting was held April 21, 2002 at the Rose Township Hall.  After the usual business of reading and approving the secretaries and treasurers reports, Chuck Pilar provided the 2001 water quality testing report.

President Joni Grob asked the members in attendance for feedback on having a summer picnic with most responding that they would like to continue this tradition.

The plans for the goose removal were reviewed and it was verified that the petition and other paperwork required by the DNR were still valid.  [Editors note: There were more than the ten geese needed to trigger a roundup, a roundup was attempted in June, but no geese were removed in 2002.]

Joni Grob announced that she would be resigning from the board to concentrate on her new role as mother.  [Ed. note: Mark Weinberg was appointed

at the Board of Trustees meeting following the general meeting to fill the remainder of Joni’s term.]

Two Board of Trustees terms expired in 2002.  Dave Lutey and Mary Kay Schmelzer were nominated and then reelected for the three-year terms.

Paul Bokuniewicz asked about the mix of fish in the lake, and whether a formal survey has been done.  No formal survey has been done, but those present discussed the types and sizes of fish they have encountered.  [Ed. note: Sounds like “fish survey” is a good idea for the web site.]

After door prizes were awarded, the general meeting was adjourned.

At the Board of Trustees organizational meeting that immediately followed the general meeting, Tim Green was appointed as President, Chuck Pilar as Vice-President, Mary Kay Schmelzer as Secretary, and Marie Sutton as Treasurer.  The other members of the board are Dave Lutey, Gary LaRoy, and, the newly appointed, Mark Weinberg.

Taylor Lake Web Site

In December 2002 the Taylor Lake Homeowners’ Association web site became active.

It is hosted on the Michigan Lake and Stream Associations server.  To view the site, go to www.mlswa.org.  Then scroll down to and click on “Visit our Association Web Sites” and then click on “Taylor-Lake-619” in the alphabetical list of associations.  Then bookmark www.mlswa.org/taylor-lake-619 to be able to go directly to the web site the next time.

If hosted, server, scroll down, click on, and bookmark, sound like some strange language we suggest that you ask your child, grandchild, or the neighbor’s child to translate.  While most of our membership should be able to view the web site at home, work, school, or any public library, we

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realize that not everyone is “online”.  On request (634-5338) we can provide a printed version of the information that is currently on the web site.

The annual cost for the web site is about the same as the cost of a single newsletter mailing.  There are a number of communication advantages the web site offers.  It is always available, cannot be accidentally thrown out with the junk mail, is easily updated with timely news and information, and can substitute for the association’s newcomers information packet.

Available on the site now:
  • Events calendar – upcoming meetings
  • Contact information - Board of Trustees
  • Maps, charts and photographs of the lake
  • Water quality testing reports
  • Bylaws, and other legal information
  • Photo of the Month Exhibition 
We will keep on adding more information, association records, pictures, and other fun and interesting stuff to the site until the MLSA webmaster cries uncle.  We welcome any and all contributions.  Check the site for how to submit photos and articles.

Email: taylor-lake-619@mlswa.org

Next Board of Trustees Meeting

The association’s Board of Trustees will have their next quarterly meeting on February 03, 2003, 7:30 P.M. at 206 Taylor Lake Road.  As with all association meetings, the meeting is open to the public.  If you plan to attend, we suggest calling 634-7618 beforehand, so that the appropriate number of chairs and cookies will be available.

On the agenda:
  • Review the 2002 water quality testing
  • Membership dues status and 2003 budget
  • Association’s thirtieth anniversary
  • 2003 annual general meeting date and agenda

Presidents Message

As you may have noticed by our small attempt at humor in the newsletter title, this started out as the summer newsletter, and then it became the fall newsletter, and now it is the winter newsletter. 

The membership dues statements were prepared in August by Gary LaRoy but were not immediately sent out because we wanted to combine the mailing of the statements with the newsletter.  Obviously we have now finally succeeded in completing these modest tasks.

In 2002, some significant events on the lake included the water testing mentioned at the beginning of the newsletter; the implementation of the associations web site; and the unfortunate house fire at the Vivians.  John and Virginia Vivian are long time lake residents and were involved during the early years of the association and have been on the Board of Trustees.

This event prompted some discussion about the status of the dysfunctional and now abandoned dry hydrant on Pellett.  A dry hydrant is used to fill the fire department’s tanker trucks.  Having one near the lake can shorten the time needed refill a tanker when fighting a large fire.  In the records of the association I’ve found correspondence from 1978 concerning the installation of the Pellett hydrant.  If there is sufficient interest from the membership, the association could facilitate providing an easement for a dry hydrant.  Rose Township would arrange funding and own the hydrant. 

In 2003 is the thirtieth anniversary of the association.  Few lake associations or other small non-profit organizations succeed in remaining active for this length of time.  Like many others, the association was formed in response to strong concerns about how the lake was being used and proposed land developments around the lake.  With the passage of Rose Townships anti-funneling ordinance, and later changes in land ownership, these concerns subsided.  Since then the association has focused on lake management and water quality issues.  Participation in the association fluctuates, rising when there is a problem, and falling when everything seems to be fine.  This is normal human nature.  We are very excited about using communication technologies, like the web site, to reinvigorate active participation in the association and enhance the strong community bonds that have made Taylor Lake such a good place to live.

- Tim Green