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Taylor Lake Homeowners’ Association
Spring 2002 Newsletter


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Professional Lake Testing Will be Performed This Year

Dr. Wally Fusilier, Consulting Limnologist, of Water Quality Investigators has been contracted to perform water quality analysis and lake evaluation this year.  Every year the lake participates in the MLSA’s self-help lake monitoring program that uses Sechi disk visibility and tests surface water samples for nutrients.  Every fourth or fifth year more extensive testing is performed.  Dr. Fusilier has performed this testing on our lake several times in the past.  The testing includes bottom sediment examination, deep water sample analyses and weed bed mapping.  Dr. Fusilier will have his boat on the lake two times this year, the first time in April or early May.  His boat includes a motorized dredge for taking bottom samples.  The Association board has approved the use of Dr. Fusilier’s motorized equipment on the lake.  If anyone has any questions about this, please contact a board member.

Presidents Message


Hope everyone is enjoying some of the nice spring days we’ve had lately.  It’s nice to see that spring is here.   Along with watching the migrating waterfowl visit our lake, it’s nice to start getting some warm weather.  On the subject of migrating waterfowl, it was fun to see that one swan migrating through, along with the more typical common mergansers and pied billed grebes.

There may have been other migrating waterfowl this year that I may have missed because I’ve had my hands full lately ….. in a really great way.  My husband Steve and I are proud parents of our first child,  Claire Marie Grob, born January 25, 2002.  She was 8lbs 1oz at birth, but didn’t stay that small for long.  She was already 13lbs 2 oz at her 2 month check up.  We are enjoying being a family so much.  We are really looking forward to enjoying this summer with her on the lake.

It doesn’t seem like there are many really small children on our lake, but I’m curious if there are other small ones like ours either here or on the

way that we may not know about.  It would be neat to find out so that maybe the kids could have some neighborhood playmates.  Our phone number is 634-2549.

Hope to see many of you at the annual meeting this year.   We will be getting some good updates on the more extensive water quality testing plans and have an interesting guest speaker, Sue Julian from the Rose Preservation Committee.

This will be my last meeting acting as president.  I have decided that with all the additional responsibilities of being a new mom, I would take the time commitment of Lake Association President off the platter.  I have truly enjoyed all the time that I have been involved and on the board.  It’s really helped me appreciate the wonderful asset we all have, living here on this lake.  I have also decided to terminate my board member status.  I thought the extra available time would be nice, and that making a seat available will help bring in a new face, and give them the opportunity for this experience.

I hope everyone has a nice summer.

Joni Grob

Taylor Lake Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting

April 21, 2002

1:00 P.M.

Rose Township Hall

  • Guest speaker Sue Julian from the Rose Preservation Committee
  • Secretaries Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Water Quality Testing Report
  • Goose Update
  • Election of Board Members
  • New Business
  • Drawing for Door Prizes
  • Adjourn