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Taylor Lake Homeowners’ Association
Summer 1991 Newsletter

Taylor Lake News

Volume 1, Issue 1                                         August 1991                                                          Page 1

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Published Quarterly by the Taylor Lake
Home Owners Association

Taylor Lake Home Owners Association was incorporated in 1971 under Act No. 137,
Public Acts of Michigan for 1929,
as amended.

President's Message

I was very happy to see so many at the annual meeting this year.  Over twenty seven families were in attendance.  On a sunny Sunday afternoon, that was terrific.  Those of you who were absent missed a lively and informative meeting.  The meeting went well, the results are covered in other articles.

During the past few weeks I have received complaints of increased vandalism and misuse of property.  Unfortunately this is a byproduct of community growth and is something we must address since it will not just go away.  Some would say it is not the business of the association but I believe that the welfare of our members warrants some consideration.  The dog complaints should be reported to the township constable, Emile Bair 634-8737.  The vandalism should be reported to the police.  There is one hitch.  In this remote community the response time of the police could be very slow.  In order to put a stop to this vandalism one suggestion is for the members to form a neighborhood watch program to help protect their property.

One thing is certain, community involvement is needed.  This will work.  An example is the involvement of our members in the Hickory Ridge road dumping that helped curtail that problem.

Get involved.  It is for your benefit and your property's protection.  The law enforcement agencies can't do it all.

George Fetzer

Township Supervisor

Mike Izzo, Rose Township supervisor, gave a brief talk and responded to questions from the audience at the annual association meeting.  Mike said that the township is growing as fast or faster than any of the affluent townships in the county.  There were thirty residential building permits issued in the first half of this month.  He also gave an upbeat assessment on the township's future.  He stated that he is committed to maintaining a rural township, one which avoids manufacturing facilities and mega malls.  Mike explained that the Oakland County Vision 2010 group, of which he is a member, is developing a plan which will give the township the authority to determine it's own destiny and thus enable him to keep his commitment.

See board meeting article for more
information about this.

Volume 1, Issue 1                                         August 1991                                                          Page 2

The Marlow landfill was discussed and Mike said that for all practical purposes it was a dead issue. Modestly, he gave much of the credit for it's demise to our county commissioner Dave Skarritt. Supervisor Izzo said that the township is in the process of purchasing the old fish hatchery at the corner of Baker and Tipsico Lake road.  This will be used as a game preserve and wildlife sanctuary.

Canada Geese

Geese were the subjects of the most lively debated issue at the annual meeting.  It seemed to be an issue on which there was little middle ground.  On one side many felt that the geese belonged on the lake as a part of our natural heritage and should not be harassed.  On the other side many believed that the geese, and geese wastes, limited the enjoyment and use of their lake fronts, docks and rafts.

Canada Goose

The initial motion was to install a noise making device to motivate the geese to leave the lake.  The device is explosive and would require the approval of the township.  Many objected to this device.  It was pointed out that firecrackers were already being illegally used for this purpose and that they had not caused the geese to leave the lake.

Part of the debate was about the numbers of geese, whether the geese were residents or migratory, and if more geese would return each year. 

Alternatives were discussed.  Other deterrent devices, such as shiny ribbons and balloons, were described.  A geese relocation program that the DNR provides was suggested.  In this program, with a permit from the DNR, the geese can be rounded up.  The DNR then transports them to areas where there are not many geese.  The roundup must occur in late June or early July while the adults are molting and before the goslings can fly.

The motion was changed to indicate that the association will participate in this program next year.  In addition, the association will purchase and test the alternative deterrent devices.  The motion passed by a large majority.


This past year we have noticed members cleaning their beaches with water jets and adding sand to them without permits from the DNR.  It should be pointed out that anything done to shorelines, other than removing debris by raking, requires a permit from the DNR.

A sandy beach is enjoyable, but we must remember that Taylor Lake, like most small southern Michigan lakes, has a muddy bottom.  The forces that created that bottom will remain at work regardless of what we do.  To maintain that beach requires repeated sanding.  The long term effect is a shallowing of the lake which increases the areas that rooted weeds can grow.

Before sanding a beach a DNR permit must be obtained.  Beach work should be performed with care and moderation.  Make sure the sand is clean and be sure that it's source is not industrial or recycled material.

Volume 1, Issue 1                                         August 1991                                                          Page 3

Cleaning the beach using a water jet is not permitted by the DNR because it is a form of dredging.  Here the law states that dredging of a wetland, lake or pond requires a permit and it further states that debris from the dredging must be removed from the site.  Jetting stirs up the bottom nutrients which are a food source for algae.  Howard Wandell, of the DNR's Water Management Division, states that jetting is one of the worst things you can do to a lake.

Board Meeting

The summer board meeting was August 21.

Ora Keys, Steve Chartrand, Howard Hotchkiss and Harry LaRoy were at the meeting to discuss the problems with vandalism and theft that the area around Pellet Drive is experiencing this summer.  The problems include spray paint damage to cars and thefts of tools and boat gear from garages and sheds. The group wants to organize a neighborhood watch to help deal with this problem.

The board agreed that a neighborhood watch was a good idea.  All felt that the entire Taylor Lake area should be included.  Board member Dan Emrick was appointed as the association's liaison to the watch organization.

Next board meeting:  October 16, 7:30 PM, at Dan Emrick's.  Check with any board member a week before the meeting to confirm the time and place.

Lake Side Lawn Fertilizer

Last spring we published Jerry Baker's formula for fertilizing your lake front lawn.  It consisted of 1 cup ammonia, 1 cup Epsom salts, 1 cup Listerine and 12 ounces of beer.  This, when mixed with 25 gallons of water, made enough fertilizer to cover 2500 square feet of lawn.

We have found an easy way to apply this fertilizer.  Add 12 ounces of water to the undiluted mixture, put it in a lawn sprayer, attach it to your garden hose, and spray.

Board of Directors

Three seats on the association's board of directors expired this year.  Four nominations for the three seats were offered.  All three of the incumbents were reelected by ballot box vote.  At the summer board meeting the existing slate of officers was retained.

1991-1992 Board of Directors
George Fetzer                President           634-4353
1757 Tannock Drive, Holly 48442
Tim Green                      Vice President   634-5338
1731 Taylor Lake Road, Holly 48442
Virgina Vivian                  Treasurer          634-9335
2146 Bone Road, Holly 48442
Robert Schmelzer            Secretary         634-3665
206 Taylor Lake Road, Holly 48442
Dan Emrick                                            634-4919
18368 Hickory Ridge, Fenton 48430
Clara Smoot                                           634-4508
1751 Tannock Drive, Holly 48442
David Lutey                                            634-8021
198 Taylor Lake Road, Holly 48442

Gypsy Moths

The bad news is that damage from Gypsy moths is expected to begin in our area within two to three years.  More bad news is that no technology is available that can eradicate the creatures.  Still more bad news is that the wonderful Oak trees that cover much of the area around Taylor Lake are a favorite snack food for the moth's larvae.

Gypsy Moth Caterpillar

Volume 1, Issue 1                                         August 1991                                                          Page 4

Now the good news.  There are methods, that when applied with diligence and before Gypsy moth populations are large, that can limit the damage and save our trees.
Gypsy Moth

We recently attended a Gypsy moth seminar in Groveland Township presented by horticulture consultant Colleen Traylor.  You may have seen the feature about this in the August 12th issue of Herald Advertiser's Northwest Neighbor.

Here are some of Colleen's recommendations:

- Learn how to identify the adult moth, larvae, pupa, and egg masses.

- Understand it's life cycle and apply the appropriate control methods at the appropriate time.

- Educate and organize.  The efforts taken by individual property owners can be overwhelmed if the moth populations in neighboring properties are out of control.

To help implement these recommendations the Taylor Lake Gypsy Moth Committee has been created.  The committee's purpose is to:  1) monitor the Gypsy moth population within the watershed area of Taylor Lake;  2) provide educational materials and information about control methods;  3) assist property owners in their control efforts.

If anyone has experience dealing with these creatures we would welcome their involvement.  For more information contact Tim Green (634-5338, 994-0501).

Taylor Lake Area Neighborhood Watch
Organizational meeting
Sunday September 8th, 4 P.M., 18490 Pellett Drive
For all Taylor Lake area residents, including Pellett, Hickory Ridge, Bone, Taylor Lake, Tannock roads and all other concerned citizens.

Got something to say?  Say it in the Taylor Lake News.  Next publication date is in November. Submissions of articles, notices and opinions should be made by November 15.  Articles of local, environmental or riparian interest are needed.