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Bylaws, Ordinances, and Incorporation Documents

Membership and Lake Access

Click on image to view or download a printable copy of the Association Boundary Map
There is no legal connection between membership in the Taylor Lake Homeowners' Association and access to Taylor Lake. The association does not determine, limit, or grant access to the lake. Lake access is defined under riparian common law, case law, statutes, and Rose Township ordinance. All properties that have riparian access (lake frontage), access from a common parcel, or access by an ingress-egress easement, have lake access rights.  There is one common parcel, and one ingress-egress easement on the lake.  Rose Township ordinance limits the expansion of these, or the implementation of new accesses.
Association Boundary Map
Association membership was defined in the wording of the Ballot for Incorporation that was passed in 1972.  There are four clauses in the ballot used to describe the boundaries of the properties that are included in the association.  The four clauses are listed below, along with explanations based on the Property Description Maps for Rose Township.

1) All lots (except Lot 28) in McClatchey’s Taylor Lake Heights, a subdivision of part of the Southwest ¼ of Section 8, Town 4 North, Range 7 East, Rose Township, Oakland County, Michigan.

Southwestern section of the lake
These are all the lots on Pellett that also have lake frontage, from lot 1 at the north to lot 27 at the south.

2) All lots in SUPERVISOR’S PLAT NO. 6 being the Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 8, Town 4 North, Range 7 East, Rose Township, Oakland County, Michigan.

Southeastern section of the lake
These are all the lots on Tannock (with lake frontage or not); the lots north and south of the lake outlet; and the lots between the lake and the contiguous wetland towards the southeast.

3) All lands in the North ½ of the Southwest ¼ of Section 8, Town 4 North, Range 7 East, Rose Township, Oakland County, Michigan.

Northern section of the lake
In other words, south of Bone Road, east of Hickory Ridge, and west of Taylor Lake Road. These are the lots on Hickory Ridge that have lake frontage; all the lots of Mohyla's Hickory Ridge Acres; and the lots on the south side of Bone Road or west side Taylor Lake Road that have lake frontage.

4) All lands in the North ½ of Section 17, T4N, R7E, Rose Township, Oakland County, Michigan, lying within 200 feet of the shoreline of Taylor Lake.

Additional properties to the south of the lake
While the first three clauses are unambiguous, this clause can be subject to interpretation. The section described is just south of the lake, between Hickory Ridge and Taylor Lake Road. The contiguous wetland at the southeast of the lake is shown as also being "Taylor Lake" on the property maps. This makes the "within 200 feet of the shoreline" perhaps not as explicit as planned.  But as it turns out, there are properties that have legal access to the lake that are included in the association by this clause.

As was stated above, there is no legal connection between lake access rights and membership in the association.  However, the clauses listed on the Ballot for Incorporation do a very good job of assuring that all properties that have lake access, are also included in the association membership.  This was not an accident.  The main purpose of the association is to provide a means to manage a common resource, the lake, to the benefit of all who have use of that resource.