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Events Calendar

03 February 2003
7:30 P.M.

Board of Trustees Quarterly Meeting
206 Taylor Lake Road, Holly, Michigan 48442

The agenda can be viewed or printed in Adobe Acrobat format by clicking here.  Contact any board member to request additions to the agenda.

As with all association meetings, the meeting is open to the public. If you plan to attend, we suggest calling (634-7618
) beforehand, so that the appropriate number of chairs and cookies will be available.

01 April 2003
Swim Raft Launching Day
The first day of the year that swim rafts may be moved out onto the lake.  Ordinance #2

01 June 2003
Start of the Association fiscal year 2003-2004.

Michigan Lakes and Streams Association Conference
The association tries to have one or two of its members attend this conference each year. Volunteer(s) are needed to represent the association, attend seminars, collect information and literature
, and produce a report for the association.  Any association member is eligible.  The association reimburses reasonable expenses.  Apply to the Board of Trustees.

Annual General Meeting of the Association

The agenda will be published here at least two weeks prior to the meeting.  Contact any board member to request additions to the agenda.

As with all association meetings, the meeting is open to the public.

01 November 2003
Swim Raft Beaching Day
The last day of the year that swim rafts may be anchored
on the lake.  Ordinance #2